Community Care Program
It pays to shop at a local business in your community.
With our Community Care Program, sign-up and allow individuals to donate their Elmer’s Rewards Card points to your non-profit organization.

Here’s How!
Non-profit organizations complete an application for an Elmer’s Rewards Card and will receive a card under their non-profit organizations name.
Each non-profit organization will receive Community Care Donation Cards with their organizations name on them and a barcode unique to their organization.
The non-profit organization will distribute the Community Care Donation Cards to Elmer’s Rewards Card holders that wish to donate their points to the non-profit organization. The first 500 cards will be supplied to the non-profit organization and then it will be the non-profits responsibility for the printing of more cards if needed. Photo copies can be made by the non-profit organization.
Customers wanting to donate their points to a non-profit organization will give the Elmer’s cashier their Community Care Donation Card given to them by the non-profit group after they have given the cashier their Elmer’s Reward Card. By using the non-profits barcode, the customer can donate their points. Note: the customer must have at least 500 points on their Elmer’s Reward Card to transfer. Each time the barcode is scanned it will transfer 500 points to the non-profit.
Non-profit groups will receive monthly reports via email letting them know how many points have been donated to them.
When a non-profit organization would like to redeem their accumulated points for an Elmer’s Gift Card(s), they would send an email to The non-profit group will need to provide the unique pin number given to them at signup and their Elmer’s Reward Card number. Please allow 2-3 days for gift card pick-up. An email will be sent to the organization notifying them that their gift card(s) are ready for pickup. The individual from the non-profit organization picking up the card(s) will need to sign for them at the cash office at Elmer’s. Gift cards will be distributed in $100 increments. 100,000 points equals a $100 card.
Support your cause today!
Non-Profit Organizations
Our Community Care Program is an excellent and easy way for your organization to raise money. Once approved, your organization can be an option for Elmer’s Reward Card customers to choose who to give back to. Point donations from customers who choose your non-profit will automatically be tracked and your organization will receive a $100 Elmer’s Gift Card for every 100,000 points accumulated. This is 1% of total purchases. You may purchase your Elmer’s Gift Cards any time you have accumulated enough points. You can then choose to make purchases with the gift card, sell the gift card or donate the gift card.
Get Started!
- Complete a Community Care Program Non-Profit application (available at our Service Desk or print a copy available on our website) (download application)
- Return the application along with your IRS determination letter (includes your IRS ID number) to:
Elmer’s County Market
412 N Lincoln Rd.
Escanaba, MI 49829